A couple of weeks ago we had this years first snow. Of course it melted away almost immediately, but not before we had time to buy a snow sled and have Alice try it out. Not that she was overly enthusiastic about it, at least not yet. Then when we brought the sled inside, she played with it, sitting on it and trying to make it move forward, so I think once the snow comes back she'll probably be ready for it. She's definitely figured out what the point is.
As for the rest of the family we're all trying to work out how to manage the delicate balance between work and private life. Well I am, at least. I had completely forgot how much hard work it is, to go to work every day... ;) To tell the truth I've been completely worn out these past few weeks since I started working. Most days I leave before Alice wakes up in the morning, come back and get to play with her for about an hour before it's time for bed. And after that I work som more and crash in front of the teve. Whew! At least I can see that it's getting better, and I am learning so much all the time! The students are really nice, and all the other teachers take really good care of me. However, I had not realised before now how much work it is to be a teacher, either. I'm telling you - start appreciateing the teachers you have around you some more, they are the real heroes in our society!
Anyways, I haven't appreciated the week ends so much in a very long time! And I should get back to playing with my daughter now. I'll get back to you all soon!