I can't move because I feel like the Micheline man, but it's still kind of fun!
Mom, look, I can stick my tounge out! I f it was snowing now I could catch snow flakes on my tounge!
We ave lots and lots of snow, and some days it gets really cold (today it was down to almost 10 degrees celsius below freezing). It may be cold, and it may be hard work to put layers and layers of clothes on a child that wriggles like a worm. But still, it's real winter and it's snow and it's pretty magical. Seeing Alice take some snow in her hand and taste it for the first time: her eyes light up and she looks up at me with a really bewierded smile like she's saying. Hey, this is really funny...!
She's growing stronger, and bigger, and steadier and smarter each day. She talks and points and teeth are popping out her mouth like pop corn. Which is, naturally, not always a pleasant experience. So I guess th eating of the snow might be soothing as well funny.