Yesterday we went to the zoo, a place called Loro Parque (
http://www.loroparque.com ). It's a gorgeous little Zoo, on the north side of Tenerife. Built by a german man, and very well kept (thanks to german presicion?).

Like the lawns were cut with nail sisscors, not a single brown
leaf anywhere. But very beautiful and the animals seemed to be very well taken care of. Above, Alice and Johan are watching the gorillas. Very exciting indeed. We also saw a leopard, and a black panther, chimpanzees, flamingos... There were several hundred parrots of different kinds, a few of them apparently extinct.
But the
piece de la resistance was no doubt the shows, parrots, dolphins, sea lions and orcas. Orcas are also known as killer whales (in Swedish
späckhuggare), but that sounds so vicious, so we'll settle for calling them orcas. We watched two shows (dolphins and orcas), that went on for apx 25 minutes each. Alice was completely mesmerized throughout the shows! And those of you who know Alice (or any kid of the age one and a half for that matter) realise that this is pretty amazing. I don't think she's been still for that long

The hotel we're staying at is one of those extremely fancy ones, where they clean your room three times a day, leaving a flower and chocolates on the bed every time. They also fold the ends of the toilet paper. We feel like movie stars. Luxury! (Someone said that Jennifer Lopez was staying in this very hotel not long ago). Check it out at
http://www.villacortes.comAll in all we are having a great time, sun is shining, food is good, pool is nice. Some bad news, though. Jan broke his leg in two places. Probably it happened in Arlanda, before we even got on the plane. And then he walked on it for two days before he saw a doctor. In the end ha had to go to hospital and had surgery and now he has screws and metal plates in his foot! Now he's back in the hotel, but in a wheel chair and pretty wiped out. Bad luck!
Lots of love
Johan+na and Alice