Alice har slutat med napp. Det är något vi pratat om länge, och vi gjorde faktiskt ett försök vid treårsdagen, men så kom ju lillebror och ställde till det lite. Men nu går det bättre. Hon sörjer nappen, helt klart, men hon är tapper. Och hon ska köpa en pippiservis för de avlagda napparna, så hon har en stark målbild att ta till när det känns jobbigt.
I can't believe how fast time passes. Vincent is tr´hree months old and growing. He's of a completely different build compared to Alice, who was very much smaller at the same age (a whole kilo lighter actually).
Alice has laid off her pacifyers now. We've talked about it for quite some time, and actually tried taking them away when sho had her third birthday. But then Vince was born just a few days later and that kind of messed things up. This time around she's doing really well, I know she misses her pacifyers, but she's really brave and we told her she gets to go to the toy store and pick something in exchange for the pacifyers.