Isn't it amazing how much a child can learn in just a year? Having a child has really given us a different perspective on time. A year has never been so long before, or so short. I can't believe it's only a year since this sweet little baby (well, not a baby anymore) was born on our living room floor. And then again, so much has happened in this year, it feels like much longer.
Alice, once just a little package, seemingly just lying there uncapable of doing anything but breethe, breast feed and mayby wiggle a little. Now she walks, she eats by her self (it's a huge mess, but still), she plays, she draws, she can say "good" ("gott gott" in swedish) . She goes on the potty (with backup diapers, of course), she points at things we ask her to, such as the lamp or mummy and daddy. She can even drive a car ;)

What can this be, this huge colorful package? It looks so nice!

Oh, no, what have you done? You've ruined my beautiful package! (Alice actually started crying when we started to rip open the paper). What do you mean, is there something inside? What can this be?

Aha - it's a car! And look at this, it has a horn. Honk honk! (More like bleep bleep, but who cares). I like it!

Time to blow out the candle.
Hmm, I think I need mummys help. And this plate looks very nice, too!
We had a great party, and Alice got a whole bunch of super presents.
Thank you everyone who came for a great day!

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