Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Best Friends at the Butterfly House

Yesterday we went for a little excursion to the Butterfly House with Alice's best friend Julia and her mum Sara. The perfect place for two little girls: butterflys, fish, parrots, chinese miniature chicken, flowers and in the end... crackers! Aren't they just adorable?

Let's hold hands, so we don't lose each other in this tropical rain forest.

Look at that huge orange fish. Looks a bit dangerous don't you think? Good thing there's this thick glass between us...

Did Julia just tell Alice a secret?
No! You don't say. Really? That is sooo funny!
Yes! But you have to promise not to tell...
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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Alice's new clothes

Alice in the sand sporting her new clothes. Mom aint looking too bad either. Dad is manning the camera and blog.