Sunday, May 27, 2007

Is there anybody out there?

We started this blog in English so that our friends and family over the world would have the chance to read about our life, and see pictures of Alice and how she grows. However, it seems to us like most of the people who read this are in Sweden and speak Swedish. So we are thinking of changing the official language of Wonderland back into Swedish. This way we can also write about Alice's developping speaking skills - since she is speaking Swedish there would be no point in writing this in English anyways.

If enough people come back with wild protests, we might consider writing
parts of the blog in English again, or we can translate for you. It's not that we don't love you and think about you guys in other countries, it's just that we don't know that you are reading this.

So next time will be in Swedish. Pretty exiting stuff, huh?

1 comment:

Ingeli said...

Hehe, svenska fungerar ju utmärkt för mig! :) *kram*